An unprecedented international theatre festival featuring works from 20 countries on nearly every continent.
In March 2014, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts presented World Stages, an unprecedented international theatre festival featuring works from 20 countries on nearly every continent. The festival included 13 fully staged productions, nine of which were U.S. premieres, as well as theatre-focused installations, staged readings, and panel discussions by theatrical visionaries such as director Peter Brook, playwright David Williamson, and acclaimed War Horse collaborators Tom Morris and the Handspring Puppet Company.
Kokoro & Moi developed the festival identity, which extended across the printed materials, all communications, and marketing as well as through special events such as exhibitions and opening ceremonies, and designed a book that documented the program, events, and atmosphere of the festival.
The main elements of the identity are boldly colored patterns, representing a multiplex of stages and infinite imaginary worlds. This gutsy and modernistic identity aims to capture the courage, vision, and high quality present in the variety of productions at the festival.
The main elements of the identity are boldly colored patterns, representing a multiplex of stages and infinite imaginary worlds.